Lens based media -RECCE

This week we were given the task of investigating some shots and the world we wish to incorporate in to our short animation through lens based media.
Starting out the brief I had to come up with some ideas for which shots I wanted to look at. I did a bit of brain storming and settled on what I wanted to look at. I decided that I wanted to investigate the city, both modern and run down. I also wanted to look at what shots I would like in the taxi as well as look at a few more areas.
For the city I went in to town trying to look at more modern buildings around because my city will be a futuristic world. I looked at more run down buildings around me to contrast with the other modern images because I want my city to have a grungy, distopian feel to it so I hope to use influences from both of these sets to start to construct my world.
Whilst doing this I looked at the idea of reflections as a different way of looking at the city. I like the way that reflections add a sense of confusion and mystery to the images so you at times you don't know whats real and whats not.

I have also taken some black and grey photographs because I am still playing with the idea of using solely black and white.

 I particularly like the way that the only colour that comes through in this shot is only in one area that is clearly defined. A similar shot could be used in the shot to draw attention to an areas that is solely in colour.

It is my thinking that a shot similar to this as an establishing shot that introduces the city would be a good opener because I could then transition rather easily in to what I hope to be my next shot of my main character looking out over the city.

This will be our first Look at our character. I want the first shot to be close so we immediately get up close and personal. The fact that he is facing away towards the city suggests an isolation as we can not yet emotionally connect with. We can also see the vast stretch of city in the distance that makes him seem insignificant in comparison.
It is also easy to see how the first shot could transition into this one.

This would be the first time me meet our damsel. I want to create an initial mysterious feel so we think that it could just be an anonymous person like the others that he picks up. however it doesn't turn out that way.

This or something very similar is a shot that I want in my short. Looking down on my protagonist, I want to make him seem small, isolated and insignificant. The bars could be a frame which symbolises him being trapped, stuck in his same old day to day.

 This area is very grungy and I like the way the figure features in this surrounding. The lack of other people creates a sense of isolation whilst all the lines draw us to focus upon this.

 This is or similar to the buildings I want to have in my distopian city. The incomplete and dirty look would fit in great to the atmosphere I am trying to convey. The use of black and grey heightens this even more.

Inside the taxi I have decided that I want to create quite a close and intimate feel between my two main characters. However I want to contrast this with more emotionless scenes of him picking up fares that he never connects to. I hope to do this by having in car, close up shots of the main characters bonding whilst more further away, out side of the car shots of him transporting the other passengers as a contrast.

This would be one of my last shots. in contrast to some of the first times we meet our main character the camera is now upwards. He has now developed a sense of heroism and confidence.

For the more emotionless scenes I want shots like this that keep up more emotionally distant. Again, the reflections on the hood and on the window screen reflect the city.

Shots like this will isolate my character as he becomes the only one in what seems like a small, confined space. I would use shots like this towards the beginning where he is alone to emphasise the fact that its just him. Even with passengers in the back this could emphasise even more his separation from him.

Shots like this get us up close to our main protagonist that make us feel closer to our subject. Lacking in the photo there should be a passenger in the back. This framing and subsequent close ups that I hope to have follow this are similar to some scenes in films such as run lola run where the characters are enclosed in an intimate area making creating an obvious closeness between them.