Another plot line revision

I've left it quite a while to upload another revision I made quite a while ago to my story. I have decided to eliminate completely any idea of a love between my main characters. After looking at it quite extensively I realised that it is quite unrealistic that they fell in love so soon plus I just felt it was a little too much for the type of film I want to create now. Instead I have decided to change the cause of the chest sphere/plate illumination to levels of happiness so that when a robot is happy it lights up and when they aren't, it doesn't. By doing this I can show that M.A.R.K is lonelier much easier by having him walk past groups of people talking, chatting being friendly with their lights on whilst his isn't.
It also makes things more explainable later on in the story. As they begin to talk his sphere illuminates because he is becoming happier so when he is attacked his chest sphere is broken and all thats left is a faint glow. He uses this as motivation to go find her as he feels he needs to repay her willingness to be kind to him and make him happy.
As like before, at the end she will be in the back of the taxi, wake up, and her sphere will light up because she is happy that she has been rescued by him.
I have almost completed my first draft of my script so that should be uploaded in the coming days.