Year 2 Brief 1: Identity


to start off the new year we were giving our brief: IDENTITY. From this brief came two parts; creating our own logo by researching ourselves and creating a 10 second animation to introduce our logo.


Starting off with this part of the brief we were required to research, not only the world but ourselves. From my time taking pictures around the city a lot of type and logos stood out to me, the most prolific being the 'creative limerick logo'. I'm not entirely sure why but I really like the simplicity of it as well the colour scheme of the logo.

I then needed to research myself and i created a short mind map listing what I think to be my main characteristics and traits. the main points i came up with were:

- I am a very simplistic person i.e I'm not overcomplicated. not plain but more so straightforward, i don't like to stand out, I just get on with what I am doing.

- I don't like to be too outspoken/ in your face

- I have two parts of my life, my earlier life in England and my more recent life in Ireland.

- I have interests in:
                                  - sport
                                  - graffiti
                                  - art

- I want to go in to the 3D side of animation

- I like being technical and working things out.

From this I deduced that that I should have a logo that reflects myself, mainly the simplicity of myself. then I began to brainstorm :

During my brainstorm I decided to try out using just J.B as the main focus of my logo, I did this as i felt this is a very simple way of communicating my logo.

I also tried out a couple of logotypes which involved straight lines in simplistic forms such as triangles. I like the way these worked within my logo's as it represents straightforwardness of myself especially in the way I work as I tend to like to work in a linear fashion ( going from A to B to C etc. rather than jumping from one place to a completely different place) Shapes like this are also very technical and precise like myself.

I began to build upon these ideas as well as looking at involving graffiti somewhere along the way. Through my progression from this i did some looking at 3D forms, I began to like this idea even more as it represents my ambition to be a 3D artist as well as all the other things. I liked the way the form could represent all my ideas in an abstract shape, At this point J.B was no longer the centre of my logo.

more development took place and I was eventually left with 3 logos I had whittled down from all of my ideas:

From these 3 i chose the abstract form as best to represent me as a person and an artist. I then developed this with many ideas, the main one was trying to incorporate the two parts of my life mentioned above. Throughout my experimentation I was left with one logo that stood out , this one:

to summarise this logo it is:

- minimal, not overcomplicated like myself

- comprised of two halves - 2 halves of life ( could also be 2 sides of brain: technical and fun)
- 3D - where i want to be in industry

- technical/linear - like me/ my thought process

- two colours:
       - blue = professional side/serious/minimal
       - red = more playful, representative of my younger years as well as the fact that I also               
                   like to go out, half a laugh etc...