Short Story Poster

This is a poster/ frame for my short story I have chosen to call 'Fare Love'. It is a play on the idea of fair love but as it involves a taxi I changed the spelling to 'Fare' as in a taxi fare. I took a few different sources as reference for this image and it is kind of an amalgamation of several styles I have seen.
I have been looking at a lot of noir based stuff as I think a black and white colour scheme will represent the world as if its how the main character sees it, dull, bleak and just generally bad. The only colour in the piece will come from the hearts which glow when a robot falls in love, I want this to be the single colour as it is a contrast to everything else in this world and represents the only light and hope in the main characters life.

From all of the comic artists I had found, the ones ones that i preferred most were Ray Bruwelheide, Sean Philips, Andrew Tunny and Dennis Calero. Below are some of the images I especially liked from these artists:

Dennis Calero

                                                                      Andrew Tunny

 Sean Philips

 Ray Bruwelheide

 I also like the work of illustrator Marko Manev who created a simple series of Noir  movie posters. I like the simplicity of his work and used it as a reference for my city background in my poster.

I also found a painter named Nikki Ferairo Who produces Film Noir style images as part of her work. I liked the colour scheme in here work and the use of oil paint added somewhat of a cartoon-ish look to her work. I think her style is close to what I am looking for in my short.

There is a lot of other references I did find along the way particularly in comics and comic book artists which all feed in to the look of this poster. I also looked at some old Noir film posters to get references for type and I chose to use a mix of an older 30's noir looking type face and a more futuristic looking one. This symbolises how I want the style of this piece almost a noir (30's) looking piece with a futuristic story.

So with all these elements together I have created a poster incorporating the first incarnation of my main characters as well as the setting of the short and an initial tone for the piece.