beginning of noir research

Starting out this story I don't want to nail down a style straight off the bat because I know they story may change before I start animating So I haven't really been too rushed to figure it out yet. However I have been thinking about what styles this story could lend itself too and I instantly thought of a more noir style for this. I know that the story isn't very noir-esque but I like the idea of having a black a white city with the only colour coming from the hearts. Its kind of as if the life of M.A.R.K is summarised in the bleak outlook he has on the city, to everyone else it might be bright and vibrant but to him it is dark and grey. In a way it would be similar to Disney's 'Paperman' except I want it a little bit darker and grungier.
So to look at this style I did some looking at comic books and various comic book artists that for noir work such as Sean Philips and j.h Williams. I found it hard to try and find a Noir artist that did more almost cartoony figures and images and it took some time to find it. The best reference I found for this was a comic named 'she died in terrabonne' with the art by t.j kirsch. The artwork itself is in a more neo noir style so it had essence of the noir style but yet it is less gloomy and dark in its style. I'm going to see If I can find more references for this certain style.
here are some images I found when doing this:

alois nebel animated film, all rotoscoped

sean philips

Dan Panosian

Darwyn cooke

'desolation jones'


J.H Williams III

sean philips

this is the kind of style I am looking for with only a few accents of colour.

This for now is my main reference and the closest thing I can find to what I'm looking for right now.