Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind scene analysis.

I chose this scene because I found it one of the most memorable in the film. It stood out to me both in for visual appeal and the narrative in the scene. I really liked the way this scene looks with lots of harsh light and at times only one light source. I also like the hand held, voyeuristic feel of the piece as well.
The scene itself is the actual first time these two met and they go in to a vacant house. Unlike the real life events Joel stays in the house and begins to reflect on what he did wrong and the boundary between what he should have done and what he did begins to blur.



In this scene there are two characters, Joel and Clementine. Joel is a quiet and cautious man afraid of doing anything spontaneous whilst Clementine is a very loud, spur of the moment kind of person. Their differences are shown throughout this scene.

Who leaves/ comes in?

They are both in for the duration of the scene.

What do they want?

Clementine is someone that doesn't seem to have many motives or intentions and lives in the moment so there is not real intention in her actions except just because she can. In essence really she is looking for a partner in crime to join her in her exploits.

Joel on the other hand seems to have two different sides of himself which want different things. In the memory he is his cautious self and doesn't want to do anything daring and, as we learn, he leaves Clem in the house. Looking back at himself though he wants something different, he wants to stay and be with her and the dialogue shows that he regrets ever leaving.

Status of characters?

For the most part Clem is the dominant character leading Joel around the beach and in to the house. She also has bright clothes on so she is more visible to see and our eye is attracted to her first most of the time. She also occupies most of the dialogue in the scene. However once the memory begins to break down Joel becomes the most important character because he is the only one in frame and we are drawn to what he is saying.


The costumes in this scene go a long way to describing the characters. Clem wears bright, bold clothes. These are a direct reflection of her own personality. These also help her stand out in the scene.

Meanwhile Joel wears dark and boring clothes, which in somewhat reflect his personality and it is in essence, quite boring. This also makes him less noticeable in frame.


This scene is in two areas of the one location. Firstly it starts on a beach. This is montauk beach and is reminiscent of the opening sequence of this film where the two seemingly meet for the first time. Then the scene moves in to a house located at the top of the beach. At first the house seems real as the memory remains intact in Joel's mind however it begins to crumble symbolises the loss of the memory. The crumbling could also be a symbol of the breakup of their relationship. Inside the house itself the majority of shots take place in the dinner area which is full of wine and beer glass, this is a foreshadow to the troubles Clem will have with alcohol in their relationship.

The whole scene takes place at night with the moon being one of only two light sources. The atmosphere is very peaceful and quiet. The two are isolated from the world as if this is all of that night that he cares to remember.

In terms of the storyline this scene takes place towards the end of the film as this is one of Joel's last memories to be deleted. In the world of film this scene has taken place quite a while ago in the very early stages of the relationship.

Mis- en- scene

In this scene the characters remain the sole focus of the frame throughout its duration. For a majority of this piece Clem is the most dominant figure as we look at this memory almost through the eyes of Joel with her being the main thing he remembers. She is bright and gets more screen time as well as more dialogue, she also features in the centre of the screen when they are both in frame. It isn't until he enters the house that they are seen in a close frame with one another for the first time as he decides to do something daring for once.

The lighting of the scene is used to highlight the things Joel remembers from this meeting. Throughout most of the scene everything is dark apart from him and her and even then she is a lot brighter than him. One of the only main things that is lit up is the vast amounts of wine and beer glasses which is a symbol of the troubles with alcohol to come in the relationship. The jitteriness of the light at times helps to create an uneasy feeling.

There are also other hints to the troubles in the relationship such as the rough sea at the beginning and the crumbling house.


There are only two lights in this scene, the natural moonlight and the artificial light of the torch. Both help to bring our focus to very specific areas and the parts of this time that Joel has remembered.

Camera Work

The camera in this scene is mostly handheld. This conveys a sense of voyeurism in the scene as we are looking in to Joel's past.

The pacing of the shots created an uneasy feeling at times as they tend to dart from one place to another in quick succession.

Shot list:

Shot 1: Establishing Shot

Shot 2 : Medium/Long Shot

Shot 3: Extreme Long Shot

Shot 4: Establishing Shot Long Shot

Shot 5: Long Shot

Shot 6: Long Shot 

Shot 7: Long shot of house

Shot 8: Medium Shot

Shot 9: Long shot

Shot 10: long shot pans to become mid shot

shot 11: Long shot

Shot 12: Medium Shot

Shot 13: over the shoulder mid shot

Shot 14:Medium Shot

Shot 15: Mid shot

Shot 16: Medium shot

Shot 17: Long shot

Shot 18: Medium shot

Shot 19: Long shot

Shot 20: Long shot

Shot 21: Medium shot

Shot 22: Medium shot

Shot 23: Medium Shot

Shot 24: Medium Shot

Shot 25: Long Shot

Shot 26: Long Shot

Shot 27: Long Shot

Shot 28: Long Shot

Shot 29: Long Shot

Shot 30: Long Shot

Shot 31: Close up of letter

Shot 32: Medium shot

Shot 33: Medium Shot

Shot 34: Long Shot

Shot 35: Long Shot

Shot 36: Mid shot

Shot 37: Long Shot Of House

Shot 38: Medium Shot 

Shot 39: Mid Shot

Shot 40: Medium Shot

Shot 41: Close up of feet

Shot 42: Close Up

Shot 43: Close Up On Feet

Shot 44: Medium Shot


The sound in this piece consists of music, sound effects and dialogue. The dialogue in this scene, without watching it portrays both of the main characters personalities perfectly. Throughout it Joel is the voice of reason interjecting at moments almost like a parent trying to control a child. On the other hand, Clem's thoughts are all over the place and very random as she gets distracted quite easily. She occupies the majority of the audio. Towards the end Joel almost seems like a narrator as he looks back as what has been almost telling the story to us.
The music in the scene is very calm and appears at the beginning and end. It creates a relaxed atmosphere in this scene and makes us feels happy and somewhat hopeful. The music at the end of the scene contrasts what is actually happening as the house is beginning to fall apart.