Story time!

O.k so following on from our last brief we moved on to story writing. I'm not going to lie but this kind of freaked me out at first because it was something I wasn't too confident on but, as it turns out it can be quite fun.

Individual story:

To start off we were given a small exercise: compose an idea for a story from three random words. My story came from a combination of a broken tooth, a horoscope and a
It was encouraged that we be quite free and random with our story and we knew that we never had to animate this so for the most part they were quite out there. Mine involved a main protagonist, a cross dressing man who boxes in his spare time. Within the story itself he visits a fortune teller before his next fight to decide whether or not he should fight. Whilst there he is told the story the fight in which he loses quite heavily being beaten to a pulp and losing his tooth in the process. On hearing this news he decides it is a bad idea to fight and decides against. However, when just about to exit the trailer in which the fortune teller leaves, it becomes unhitched and starts to career down a hill until it crashes at the bottom and the boxer loses a tooth in the process anyway.

It came out quite random and a story i would never dream of animating but it was a start as this was then used a part of a group story we had to compose.

Group story

I was put in to a group with two other classmates who had created their own stories from three other random words and we were told to piece together a story based on the line "everybody in the office turned and stared". We were also told to use segments and characters from our own respective stories to help us in doing this. As it turned out our initial was very, very random and not very cohesive so we were instructed to change it around quite a bit. Basically the first draft was, in short, a story about a taxi driver who discovers the women he's falling in love with is actually his own boss.
However we changed this quite a bit as our initial ending was quite all over the place as well as very unrealistic.

so, our revised story went like this:

Brian (our main character) a gloomy, depressed, down and out man is being shouted at by his boss once again. He leaves the office feeling no better and begins his usual round. Whilst on this round he picks up a woman who begins to talk with him. We immediately see a connection and a smile across Brian's face for the first time. He picks her up repeatedly after that and a connection grows until one time, out of the blue, she gets in the cab with her boyfriend. Immediately crushed by this Brian goes back to his place of work feeling like he did at the very beginning with his boss, yet again shouting at him constantly. In a brief moment of release, Brian snaps and punches his boss. The next time we see him he is leaving the office with his things and gets in to a new taxi with a female driver and then begin to chat as the car pulls away.

I do like this story and the fact that we get a connection with the main character and I can see myself following on from this story to my own and incorporate a lot of the aspects from this.

I rally enjoyed these few exercises and look forward to whats to come.